Sunday, July 4, 2010

Biggest Family of AMERICA

THE DUGGAR FAMILY are an Arkansas family, headed by Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, who have been repeatedly featured in the news and entertainment media for having seventeen children. The family has been filmed for Discovery Health Channel and The Learning Channel television. On May 9 2008, Michelle Duggar announced on the "Today Show" that she is pregnant with their 18th child and was due on New Year’s Day 2009.

This man and his wife both sell real estate for a living. Although, I doubt she sells much as she also home-schools all the kids!! What a job. Notice how neat their house is kept. The folks on the Today Show said that when this family left their green room (the place they go before they are on the show), it was cleaner than it was when they came. Shows it can be done with organization and I'm sure they have lots of that with a family that big. They also built their own home.

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